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Go to Tribal Civics Guide Launch

Tribal Civics Guide Launch

Most of us have taken a civics class at some point in our educational journey. But what does Tribal civics, specifically, mean? Tribal civics focuses… Read More

Go to Blood Quantum and Sovereignty Resources

Blood Quantum and Sovereignty Resources

Blood quantum is a complicated, controversial, and personal topic that has major implications for citizenship and belonging in Indian Country. The conversation around blood quantum… Read More

Go to Alli Moran: Improving Quality of Life

Alli Moran: Improving Quality of Life

For Rebuilder Alli Moran, cultivating a Native nation rebuilding movement looks like improving quality of life for her fellow Tribal citizens. Alli’s lifelong interest in… Read More

Go to Lydell Merrick: Inspiring the next generation

Lydell Merrick: Inspiring the next generation

This is part of an ongoing series focused on the Native nation rebuilding movement. Our Rebuilders, graduates of our Indigenous leadership program, are… Read More

Go to Bringing the rebuilding movement to life

Bringing the rebuilding movement to life

Here at Native Governance Center, we talk a lot about working to cultivate a Native nation rebuilding movement. We see this movement leading… Read More

Go to What’s new in Mni Sota Makoce?

What’s new in Mni Sota Makoce?

Our executive director shares his thoughts on what recent state-level changes mean for Indigenous people and nations, and provides action steps you can take to advocate for further improvements. Read More

Go to Our New Values

Our New Values

Earlier this year, we redesigned our organizational values. (You can find them here.) We love how clear, concise,… Read More

Go to Indigenous Wealth Building Resources

Indigenous Wealth Building Resources

We held a virtual event on Indigenous wealth building, “Healing Our Future: Indigenous Wealth Building for Seven Generations,” in October 2021. These resources are based on our event content; we are grateful to our presenters for sharing their insight with us.  Read More