Sponsorship Opportunities

Event Sponsorships

Our event sponsorship program offers businesses, nonprofits, and individuals the chance to meet their goals and partner with an Indigenous-led, community-focused organization.

We believe in the power of sharing knowledge about topics related to our mission with members of the broader community. Native Governance Center offers several free events throughout the year that are accessible and open to all. Our sponsorship program offers community partners a unique opportunity to support these events.

Our event sponsorship program will help you:

  • Increase visibility among your target audiences and/or new audiences.
  • Gain a customized, unique opportunity to promote your brand.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to giving back to the community, especially to BIPOC-led organizations.
  • Reach your potential customers through a channel/platform they trust.

Want to learn more about sponsorship? Download our 2024 sponsorship guide here.

Contact Us

Cheryl Bird

Communications & Advancement Coordinator [email protected]

Sponsorship Impact

Here’s an example of the type of impact you can expect to see as a community sponsor. Through a single event, you’ll reach:

  • 22,500+ NGC followers via Facebook, Instagram, and X.
  • 5,200 NGC email subscribers.
  • 1,600 event page viewers.
  • 1,200 event presentation viewers.

Primary attendee demographics:

  • Our event audience is racially/ethnically diverse and most often from the Twin Cities area.
  • Our top three audience groups by age and gender are women ages 35- 44, 45-54, and 25-34.

Upcoming Events

Sorry, there are no upcoming events.