Blood quantum DNA sequence

Blood Quantum and Sovereignty Resources


  • Gabe Galanda
    Gabe Galanda
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rule
    Dr. Elizabeth Rule
  • Dr. Jill Doerfler
    Dr. Jill Doerfler
  • Megan Hill
    Megan Hill

Blood quantum is a complicated, controversial, and personal topic that has major implications for citizenship and belonging in Indian Country. The conversation around blood quantum is continuously evolving. And, every Native nation has a different approach to defining citizenship and setting goals for the future.

Want to learn more about blood quantum–what it is, where it came from, and why it’s controversial? We are excited to share our new blood quantum resources with you. Access our guide here and the recording from our recent event here. 

Context: We held a virtual event on blood quantum, “Blood Quantum and Sovereignty,” in March 2022. The event featured Megan Hill (Honoring Nations + Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development), Dr. Elizabeth Rule (American University), Dr. Jill Doerfler (University of Minnesota Duluth), and Gabe Galanda (Galanda Broadman PLLC). We are grateful to our presenters for sharing their insight with us.