Tribal Governance Support

Overview and Program Goals

Our Tribal Governance Support (TGS) program engages elected Tribal leaders, Tribal administrators, and Tribal citizens in strengthening their Tribal governance systems through educational opportunities, technical assistance, and resources. TGS uses the Native nation rebuilding philosophy to empower leaders and citizens to create change that will impact the next seven generations and beyond.

“Native nation rebuilding” refers to creating Native-run, self-determined programs and governance structures that elevate a Native nation’s values and strengths.

Contact Us

If you’d like to learn more about Tribal Governance Support, let us know!

You can also request our services by clicking the button below and submitting the request form.

Michelle Red Day

Program Manager - Tribal Governance [email protected]

Ashleigh Thompson

Program Coordinator - Tribal Governance Support [email protected]

It takes all of us to strengthen Tribal governance–it’s not just a task for Tribal leaders. Because of this, our programming supports a wide variety of Native changemakers.

Our TGS programming was informed by sitting down and listening to the challenges, needs, and successes communicated to us by Tribal leaders in our region. We believe strongly in respecting Native nations’ inherent sovereignty; we see ourselves as partners with Native nations as they participate in our TGS services.

If you or your nation are interested in our programming, we’ll work to build a strong relationship by listening to your needs, hopes, and visions. We use this input to inform the type of educational opportunities and resources we provide. In most cases, the support we provide is customized. We are excited to work with nations who are ready to roll up their sleeves to create the change that is needed for long-term positive impact.

Listening Tour Report

Between 2019 and 2021, we conducted a Native Nations Listening Tour, to further center the needs of Native nations and their elected leaders in our region. Our data identifies Tribal governance priorities, needs, challenges, and successes. Read more on our Resources page and download the full report.

Native Nations Listening Tour Report


We currently offer the following services for Tribal Governance Support.

This program provides customized consulting and technical assistance services to Native nations in the areas of governance and capacity building.

This initiative provides Tribal leaders and staff with a deep dive into traditional Indigenous governance and Native nation rebuilding. Read more about it here.

We support Native nations with creating and implementing their own Tribal civics experience that reflects their people’s history, culture, language, and government.

Request Governance Services

Please use the link below to request our tribal governance support services. The information you provide will help us assess whether we have the capacity to support your request effectively.

Related Governance Resources

Onboarding Tips for Tribal Leaders

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Native Nations Listening Tour Report

In 2016, shortly after our founding, our executive director met with 21 of the 23 Native nations in Mni Sota Makoce, South Dakota, and North Dakota. He also visited with staff from the Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association and the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council. These visits were an opportunity to introduce Native Governance Center to Native nations. We also gathered preliminary data on Native nations’ top governance and sovereignty-related priorities. We used this information to inform the initial design of our Tribal Governance Support program.