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Attending an event is a great way to get involved with and learn more about Native Governance Center! We host a variety of events for different audiences throughout the year. Check out our events calendar below to learn more about and register for our upcoming events.

Sponsor an Event

Our event sponsorship program offers businesses, nonprofits, and individuals the chance to meet their goals and partner with an Indigenous-led, community-focused organization. Our program will help you:

  • Increase visibility among your target audiences and/or new audiences.
  • Gain a customized, unique opportunity to promote your brand.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to giving back to the community, especially to BIPOC-led organizations.
  • Reach your potential customers through a channel/platform they trust.

Want to learn more about sponsorship? Visit our sponsorships page.

Event Resources

Financial Management Practices Across Native Nations

Learn how strong financial practices empower Native nations, communities, and citizens.

Advancing Native Organizing Guide

Native organizing empowers Native nations and communities to build relationships, uplift leaders, create solutions, and change systems to advance their sovereignty and self-determination. It’s essential that organizing respects and supports the sovereignty of Native nations.

Dispelling Common Myths About Indian Country Guide

It is important to shift the narrative of Indian Country away from harmful stereotypes to positive images, recognition, and appreciation.