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Go to Belonging


For Tawnya Stewart cultivating a Native nation rebuilding movement looks like embracing a future where every Tribal citizen feels a sense of belonging. Read More

Go to Building Kinship and Indigenous Power

Building Kinship and Indigenous Power

Deidre Whiteman, Lexi Keckler, and Jacob McArthur are three Native changemakers whose paths converged during their transformative leadership experience in Cohort 12 of… Read More

Go to Sovereignty Wins in Mni Sota Makoce

Sovereignty Wins in Mni Sota Makoce

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz called the state’s 2023 legislative session “the most successful…certainly in many of our lifetimes and maybe in Minnesota history.”… Read More

Go to Headlines for the Future

Headlines for the Future

When asked to dream up headlines describing the future we hope to build in the next five years, our team said: “Native nation wins… Read More

Go to Introducing Rebuilders Cohort 13

Introducing Rebuilders Cohort 13

We’re celebrating Native American Heritage Month by welcoming 22 Indigenous changemakers to the Native Nation Rebuilders program. The… Read More

Go to Beyond Land Acknowledgment Case Studies

Beyond Land Acknowledgment Case Studies

We’ve shared a lot about the importance of moving beyond land acknowledgment. Moving beyond land acknowledgment looks like taking concrete action to support… Read More

Go to Executive Director Update

Executive Director Update

Wayne Ducheneaux II, our executive director, has announced his intention to step down from his role at NGC. Here’s a letter from Wayne explaining what’s… Read More

Go to Wings with Wayne Season 2

Wings with Wayne Season 2

We’re excited to announce the return of Wings with Wayne, the show where sovereignty gets spicy! In each episode, Wayne Ducheneaux II (Cheyenne River… Read More