
Mailing Address

We are a fully remote workplace. Please direct all mail to the following address:

1730 New Brighton Blvd
Suite 104-236
Minneapolis, MN 55413

Looking for someone specific?

Head over to the Team page to learn more about how individual staff can help you.

How We Can Help You

Request our Services

We offer programs that engage elected Tribal leaders, administrators, and citizens in strengthening their Tribal governance systems. For the broader community we offer mission-driven, accessible, educational content. Request our services using the form at this link!

On Land Acknowledgments

For support with land acknowledgments, please see our resources. We do not offer land acknowledgment writing or review services. We do, however, offer virtual trainings on moving beyond land acknowledgment: visit our community engagement page for more information.


Thank you for a fantastic conversation! Your presentation was truly one of the best we have seen: it was informative yet digestible and actionable, engaging with the Menti interaction, and filled with an abundance of resources for folks to continue learning after the time together. We wish there was more time for all the questions from the audience! There were 79 attendees at the max, which speaks tremendously to the interest from employees. Thank you for your partnership!