
Christopher Freeze

Christopher Freeze
Development Director

Christopher has many loves, the greatest of which is his family. He loves spending time with his wife and son, especially outdoors: hiking, cycling, canoeing, or just lounging about in the garden. Christopher grew up immersed in classical music—choral, opera, orchestral—and that remains one of his great passions. He loves to read and tends towards non-fiction history, but with the occasional infusion of historical fiction. Last but not least, Christopher loves to cook and has tried his hand at everything from skate to whole suckling pig, from sushi to vegan tamales.

Before coming to NGC, Christopher worked in the nonprofit arts sector and also spent many years in the wine industry. In both spheres, he found success through relationship-building and storytelling, both of which are key to achieving NGC’s fundraising goals. Christopher works at NGC because he believes that everyone can help to bring justice to this world, and because he would like to be a good ancestor to his child and children.

3 Things to Know About Me

  • I was a choral scholar at King’s College, Cambridge (UK).
  • As a child, I lived in a country that no longer exists (Federal Republic of Germany).
  • I really do think snails are very tasty.

Contact Me For

  • How you can support us
  • How to introduce your friends to Native Governance Center
  • How we're stewarding your donation